Risk Aversion is Risky Business for Marketers and Agencies

Rance Crain of AdAge has a pretty good piece today reflecting on a supposedly growing problem of risk-averse marketers, he concludes:

What worries me most here is that the play-it-safe attitude of the ad industry is indicative of bigger problems. U.S.

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Mourning In The Age Of Social Media

Relationships – whether physical or virtual– are essential components of life, and one inevitable thing in life and relationships is death. So it is natural that the mourning process – not yet intuitively associated by most people with the Web – will increasingly expand online.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 6…Am I In Danger?

(An advertisement on MySpace)

Maybe I’m sleeping under a rock, or maybe I’m just crazy. At my recent workshop at the Conference Board communications confab I shared my point of view about how important it is for marketing communications people to not only pay attention and listen to consumer-generated media, but to participate.Read the rest

Media Agencies in Danger of Becoming Obstacles, Not Enablers

AdAge’s (smart) Jonah Bloom opines today:

Media agencies, potentially the best and most important partners a marketer can have in today’s increasingly complex media world, are in danger of becoming an obstacle to the right deals rather than an enabler.

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