TV Ads Violate Artistic Integrity

I recently commented how forcing ads on viewers – via technology or other means – is bad for programmers and bad for advertisers, and ultimately annoys viewers. It’s just bad all around! Well, it appears the courts of Sweden believe commercials are also bad for artistic integrity:

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) — A Swedish appeals court on Wednesday ruled that a TV station violated the artistic integrity of two filmmakers by interrupting their movies with commercial breaks.

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President Bush’s Real Problem: Substance or Style?

The WSJ on White House spokesman Scott McClellan’s resignation:

Some Republicans have said that the affable Mr. McClellan wasn’t a forceful-enough advocate of White House positions, contending that he relied too much on stock phrases and occasional stonewalling.

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A Drastic Mistake: Television Ad-Viewing Enforcement

You’ve got to be kidding me…says the

If a new idea from Philips catches on, the company may not be very popular with TV viewers. The company’s labs in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, has been cooking up a way to stop people changing channels to avoid adverts or fast forwarding through ads they have recorded along with their target programme.

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Only In My Thirties, But Feeling Old

I’m not too far into my thirties, but I’m feeling old…

  • Scott Donaton of AdAge says that his 9-year-old is really the one to ask when it comes to determing how media should redefine themselves.
  • I was at a meeting last week when Shelly Palmer of Advanced Media Ventures Group told the story of how his three-year-old nephew came to visit and claimed the TiVo was broken.
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Well-Deserved: Times-Picayune Wins Pulitzer For Hurricane Katrina Coverage

I have several close family members in Mississippi and Louisiana who were greatly impacted by Hurricane Katrina; some, such as my twenty-something cousin who bought her home a few months prior, lost their homes. If you also consider my general interest in how new and social media are changing the old media landscape, you can understand my interest and excitement over the Times-Picayune’s winning of a Pulitzer, journalism’s highest honor, for its breaking-news coverage and public service during Hurricane Katrina.Read the rest