As marketing guy for a leading market research company, I allocate a lot of staff time and resources in matching our executives and leading thinkers with relevant speaking engagements at important industry conferences. It’s usually a fair trade: my company contributes talent, coordination resources and original content to enable the conference to happen; in return, my company receives exposure and conversation with relevant stakeholders.… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Media
Online Reviews & Half-Truths
Reports like Christopher Elliott’s February 7, 2005 New York Times story – Hotel Reviews Online: In Bed With Hope, Half-Truths and Hype – wrongly pigeonhole valuable online ratings and community sites. Nobody can argue there are bad, disingenuous people online, but this story was at least partly a victim of the cliché trap.… Read the rest
Super Bowl Introspection
For most Americans, the Super Bowl connotes parties, sports fans, sports betting, beer, pizza, halftime shows and those highly anticipated and entertaining tv commercials. (I guess you could also toss in Nipplegate and conservative overreaction to decency standards).… Read the rest