An Elegant Spam-Fighting, Widget-Breeding Superhero

I just had my one-year anniversary of hosting this blog with WordPress blog-hosting software. My experience has been much better than with Moveable Type — which I used prior. The primary reason? The WordPress’s Akismet:

Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.

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We Should All Care Less About The Hi-Def DVD Format War

Massive hype is surrounding Sony for winning the so-called hi-def DVD format war. The movie studios and distributors sided with Sony Blu-Ray, and rival Toshiba announced immediately it would stop producing its HD DVD players. While standardization will be welcomed by the movie industry to help inject some life into a stagnant market for movie DVD’s, this advancement is much ado about little.… Read the rest

AttentionMax Named Junta42 Top Marketing Blog

AttentionMax today was ranked as the #27 overall blog in the Junta42 Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs premiere listing. Joe Pullizi, Junta42 founder and chief content officer, wrote in an email to me today:

Each blog on the list was ranked by our research team, and included such components as relevance to content marketing, depth/informational value, regularity, overall quality, and to some extent, popularity.

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